上星期,我被angelina jolie的头搞晕了;这星期,我就被颜色搞得一眼大一眼小。(不知道为何打到这里很想哼jolin的睁一只眼闭一只眼。)
History report呀!眼看着它,我真的无从开始,毫无头绪。
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
上星期日,我和我的组员就到了The Garden去购买课业上需要用到的颜料和纸张。然后,我们又到Midvalley去看Monster VS Alien。整套电影是有搞笑,不过我倒觉得我的朋友们更搞笑。一整天,笑料可是百出呀。
连续3天了,我都很早到学校去,两天是因为早课,一天是为了做功课。同样的,明天我也必须早上到学院去和朋友讨论History documentary的report。所幸的是,我还是能拥有足够的睡眠。

上星期日,我和我的组员就到了The Garden去购买课业上需要用到的颜料和纸张。然后,我们又到Midvalley去看Monster VS Alien。整套电影是有搞笑,不过我倒觉得我的朋友们更搞笑。一整天,笑料可是百出呀。
连续3天了,我都很早到学校去,两天是因为早课,一天是为了做功课。同样的,明天我也必须早上到学院去和朋友讨论History documentary的report。所幸的是,我还是能拥有足够的睡眠。

Sunday, May 24, 2009
♥ Listening to : Joanna Wang - Man
这是Design 1的home assignment,我们必须选择一个famous artist,然后以line、dot、circle画出10种不同的人头图。在问了哥哥的意见后,原本是打算画Hugh Jackman的,但是后来发现大同也是画他。因为大同的画工在我之上,所以我就放弃了,然后选了Angelina Jolie。

呐,就是这两个。上面的是用白色polka dot,下面的是深浅色圆点。那个深浅色的我是先涂在手指上,再印下去,这样就结合了圆点和线条(指纹)。但是,我不知道这是不是犯规,我可不想被reject呀。
这是Design 1的home assignment,我们必须选择一个famous artist,然后以line、dot、circle画出10种不同的人头图。在问了哥哥的意见后,原本是打算画Hugh Jackman的,但是后来发现大同也是画他。因为大同的画工在我之上,所以我就放弃了,然后选了Angelina Jolie。

Friday, May 22, 2009
♥ Listening to : The Submarines - Peace And Hate
Finished Art的第一个assignment,10分满分我得到了9分,有两位超强同学拿到9分半和10分。谢天谢地,幸亏我的art work没有被reject,不然就需要重做了。
我哥终于把相机送到我手上来了。这就是Black Slim Devil wide lens camera,属于我自己的第一部相机。虽然,它不能算是lomo相机,可是却能拍出lomo的效果。整个机身的重量很轻,表面质感也很好。
不好意思,我通常都会为我的东西取个名字,所以这Black Slim Devil被我叫做炭头。我要为炭头物色一个带带和袋袋,然后带着它去烧片。另一个令到我期待的时刻。
除了相机,大哥也带来了乐魔,The Negative Effect(一个有我哥和他一帮爱摄影的朋友组成的组合)首映的票卷。这是一部关于喜欢lomo喜欢底片摄影的群众们(我哥他们)的纪录片。大家若想知道更多,请点击乐魔来查寻。至于那部影片,票券已经是售卖完了,即使有兴趣也观赏不到了。6月6号,我也是在期待着。
Finished Art的第一个assignment,10分满分我得到了9分,有两位超强同学拿到9分半和10分。谢天谢地,幸亏我的art work没有被reject,不然就需要重做了。

不好意思,我通常都会为我的东西取个名字,所以这Black Slim Devil被我叫做炭头。我要为炭头物色一个带带和袋袋,然后带着它去烧片。另一个令到我期待的时刻。
除了相机,大哥也带来了乐魔,The Negative Effect(一个有我哥和他一帮爱摄影的朋友组成的组合)首映的票卷。这是一部关于喜欢lomo喜欢底片摄影的群众们(我哥他们)的纪录片。大家若想知道更多,请点击乐魔来查寻。至于那部影片,票券已经是售卖完了,即使有兴趣也观赏不到了。6月6号,我也是在期待着。
CD0905-3。 对,这就是我的班。
我班上有位我和新好朋友-狄升个人觉得蛮像方大同的同学,今天我们就中了他的弹。话说,有一位美术系独中的同学把ideal proportion的sketch画到很美,而我和狄升就看到了。
狄升是目前和我最多话谈和最click得来的朋友,我们之间的默契在短短几天内已经提升了不少的级数。当然,我还有交到许多好朋友,如Bryan、晓升、Eric、Dean、Felix、You Jing、招源.......(许多)。

这些是我上Pengajian Malaysia时,极度无聊的情形下用Putty Rubber做出的成品。整套是坐在沙发上看电视的猫、享受着芝士的老鼠和衬托环境的巨花。我才发觉,原来这些小小的东西可以引起大家的注意。
昨天,“我上的课不如大家想像中简单呀。”其实没有在抱怨的意思。我这样说是因为我发觉很多朋友都不了解我的课程,了解后都很惊讶。虽然功课是很多,但是,我是非常享受我上的课(除了Pengajian Malaysia)。
我班上有位我和新好朋友-狄升个人觉得蛮像方大同的同学,今天我们就中了他的弹。话说,有一位美术系独中的同学把ideal proportion的sketch画到很美,而我和狄升就看到了。
狄升是目前和我最多话谈和最click得来的朋友,我们之间的默契在短短几天内已经提升了不少的级数。当然,我还有交到许多好朋友,如Bryan、晓升、Eric、Dean、Felix、You Jing、招源.......(许多)。

昨天,“我上的课不如大家想像中简单呀。”其实没有在抱怨的意思。我这样说是因为我发觉很多朋友都不了解我的课程,了解后都很惊讶。虽然功课是很多,但是,我是非常享受我上的课(除了Pengajian Malaysia)。
Thursday, May 21, 2009
We eat in order to survive, but we survive not just to eat.
I survive to draw besides a lot of other reasons.
We eat in order to survive, but we survive not just to eat.
I survive to draw besides a lot of other reasons.
Monday, May 18, 2009
♥ Listening to : Taylor Swift - Teardrops On My Guitar
这就是我上星期一上Drawing 1时画的still life drawing。嗨哟,我看到不好意思,花了好大的勇气才决定放上来。
星期二,我上了History of Art & Design 1,而Design 1的课在这星期才正式开始。我的History讲师竟然要每一个学生自我介绍和讲出为何讨厌历史科。试想象,三班的学生都一一道出,然后讲师都会解释与开导,这样到底花了几多时间。讲师也不知道重复了多少次Open-minded这个字眼,还有一直提醒大家要吃鱼增进记忆力。
星期三,是时候上Language and Communication Skills 1和Computer Graphic Design 1。语文科讲师知道坐在大家旁边的都是自己的朋友,因此要求我们找坐在前或后同学来当伙伴。然后,两人需要谈天了解对方,再到大家前面介绍自己的伙伴。这样一来,老师就可以清楚知道大家的表达能力和让大家认识班上的其他人。另外,小弟本身对电脑操控还是不熟悉,但还蛮好玩的。
这就是我在星期四的Figure Studies 1课中画的人像画,左手边是自己的正面(不能看照片镜子,需要全凭自己的记忆力来画),而右手边必须是女同学的侧面。这也是老师精心策划,好让大家不分性别打成一片的方法。当时,我和狄升很快就把自己画好了,然后就对望不知道要怎样画女生。我再望过去女生那边,女生也望过来那声这边,结果我们就一直在笑。最后,我索性坐过去女生旁边画。不一会儿,大家就开始谈起天来,其他男生也开始坐过来了。
当天,我们还有上政府规定我们一定要拿的Pengajian Malaysia(简短来说就是读关于马来西亚和它的历史)。天呀,上了学院,我还是得上历史课,而且还是有两科。
星期五,上了Finished Art。见鬼了,刚学的是讲求精准,讲师规定7分以下(满分10分)或他不满意的作品必须重做。那天,没有带用具的同学都必须立即到楼下去购买,幸亏我有带而剩下了额外开支。难怪小虫会说慢慢被Finished Art折磨吧。

星期二,我上了History of Art & Design 1,而Design 1的课在这星期才正式开始。我的History讲师竟然要每一个学生自我介绍和讲出为何讨厌历史科。试想象,三班的学生都一一道出,然后讲师都会解释与开导,这样到底花了几多时间。讲师也不知道重复了多少次Open-minded这个字眼,还有一直提醒大家要吃鱼增进记忆力。
星期三,是时候上Language and Communication Skills 1和Computer Graphic Design 1。语文科讲师知道坐在大家旁边的都是自己的朋友,因此要求我们找坐在前或后同学来当伙伴。然后,两人需要谈天了解对方,再到大家前面介绍自己的伙伴。这样一来,老师就可以清楚知道大家的表达能力和让大家认识班上的其他人。另外,小弟本身对电脑操控还是不熟悉,但还蛮好玩的。

当天,我们还有上政府规定我们一定要拿的Pengajian Malaysia(简短来说就是读关于马来西亚和它的历史)。天呀,上了学院,我还是得上历史课,而且还是有两科。
星期五,上了Finished Art。见鬼了,刚学的是讲求精准,讲师规定7分以下(满分10分)或他不满意的作品必须重做。那天,没有带用具的同学都必须立即到楼下去购买,幸亏我有带而剩下了额外开支。难怪小虫会说慢慢被Finished Art折磨吧。
Monday, May 11, 2009
母亲节(前天在家煮火锅和干妈庆祝了,正日一大早摇电话祝贺妈妈了,晚上再和大家一起买蛋糕送给干妈),在朋友的介绍后我和凯丽去了Sunway Piramid看' Sell Out '这部电影。果真值得一看(我认为啦),大家趁还未下映之前去观看吧。电影观后感,若我不因读书疲累或懒病发作就应该会连同上次和哥哥看的艺术片在明天或后天写。
今天是我第一天正式在The One Academy上课,上的是Drawing 1.
虽说上课,我们其实被测试了。老师在教导如何使用三角画架后就要求我们即时在两个小时内画still life drawing,就是所谓的静物写生(Nerh,放几粒苹果几朵花几样东西在有桌布的桌子上,然后照着画那种)。
眼看,各个捉笔方式专业之外,粘土(去手上的铅,Paul Lee牛牛老师在comment box还有提到更多用处)、手套(擦擦的效果更好)、隔膜套(不弄脏手和画)样样齐全,很明显都受过专业训练。在众多好画之中,我的画就好似小孩的涂鸦般。哈哈哈。
母亲节(前天在家煮火锅和干妈庆祝了,正日一大早摇电话祝贺妈妈了,晚上再和大家一起买蛋糕送给干妈),在朋友的介绍后我和凯丽去了Sunway Piramid看' Sell Out '这部电影。果真值得一看(我认为啦),大家趁还未下映之前去观看吧。电影观后感,若我不因读书疲累
今天是我第一天正式在The One Academy上课,上的是Drawing 1.
虽说上课,我们其实被测试了。老师在教导如何使用三角画架后就要求我们即时在两个小时内画still life drawing,就是所谓的静物写生(Nerh,放几粒苹果几朵花几样东西在有桌布的桌子上,然后照着画那种)。
眼看,各个捉笔方式专业之外,粘土(去手上的铅,Paul Lee牛牛老师在comment box还有提到更多用处)、手套(擦擦的效果更好)、隔膜套(不弄脏手和画)样样齐全,很明显都受过专业训练。在众多好画之中,我的画就好似小孩的涂鸦般。哈哈哈。
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Look at the clock
Friday, I went through my second orientation day in The One Academy. The principal gave a talk and he does talk a lot as other principals. But, the speech of the principal was quite interesting and funny. The most important, he does has points.
After some briefing about other stuffs, we get to know the separation of classes. Me and my friend, Kai Lee were separated into different classes. I'm relieved another friend we knew during the orientation is in the same class with her. Myself also started to get some new friends as well.
My class is CD0905-3 and I have 8 subjects to learn in the first semester. Below is my class timetable.
Monday :
Drawing 1 : 2.30pm-6.30pm
Tuesday :
Design 1 : 10.00am-1.00pm , History of Art & Design 1 : 2.30pm-4.30pm
Wednesday :
Language & Communication Skills 1 : 2.00pm-4.00pm , Computer Graphic Design 1 : 4.30pm-7.30pm
Thursday :
Pengajian Malaysia : 9.30am-12.30pm , Figure Studies 1 : 2.30pm-6.30pm
Friday :
Finished Art : 2.00pm-5.00pm
As you can see, most of my classes end in the evening. So, by the time I reached home is already moonlight tanning session.
Besides my wallet, watch and handphone, student ID has become another important thing that I have to bring out almost everyday. This is because the student ID is needed for a student of TOA to enter anyplace in the school.
Hopefully everything gonna be fine starting next monday.
Saturday, we went to Times Square to do some shopping. Willy boy bought some toys which cost few hundreds ringgit. He bought the action figure set that I'm holding in the picture since I want to buy one part of it so desperately. The Box is so huge until i have to hug it like that. Willy boy also bought me the old Giroro action figure I missed last time.
Sunday, I gonna visit the cinema of Sunway Piramid for a movie with Kai Lee and maybe the new friends. Night.
After some briefing about other stuffs, we get to know the separation of classes. Me and my friend, Kai Lee were separated into different classes. I'm relieved another friend we knew during the orientation is in the same class with her. Myself also started to get some new friends as well.
My class is CD0905-3 and I have 8 subjects to learn in the first semester. Below is my class timetable.
Monday :
Drawing 1 : 2.30pm-6.30pm
Tuesday :
Design 1 : 10.00am-1.00pm , History of Art & Design 1 : 2.30pm-4.30pm
Wednesday :
Language & Communication Skills 1 : 2.00pm-4.00pm , Computer Graphic Design 1 : 4.30pm-7.30pm
Thursday :
Pengajian Malaysia : 9.30am-12.30pm , Figure Studies 1 : 2.30pm-6.30pm
Friday :
Finished Art : 2.00pm-5.00pm
As you can see, most of my classes end in the evening. So, by the time I reached home is already moonlight tanning session.
Besides my wallet, watch and handphone, student ID has become another important thing that I have to bring out almost everyday. This is because the student ID is needed for a student of TOA to enter anyplace in the school.
Hopefully everything gonna be fine starting next monday.

Sunday, I gonna visit the cinema of Sunway Piramid for a movie with Kai Lee and maybe the new friends. Night.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Hey, I am starting to write on the blank page

Anyway, today was just to give us our student card and briefing about the school. Eric Leong, the famous interior designer gave us a talk as well. Gosh, he is such a humor guy. He made us keep laughing through out the talk.
By the way, I haven't get the chance to know friends yet since what we have done is just sit at there and hear whatever they told us. Oh, I do get to know a girl named Jia Qi which sat beside my friend.
Yea, we also stunned by a girl who dyed her hair green. Her hair looks like seaweed from behind. But, the green hair does fit her quite well. She doesn't look akward at all.
That's all I want to say for today because I feel tired. Tomorrow is another orientation day and I gonna get my ass onto the bed now. Night.
Sigh, such a short post.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Happiness brought by the east wind
♥ Listening to : Sia - Day Too Soon
As I mentioned before, my mum and dad are in KL already. My big brother which is staying in Wangsa Maju had come along also. The cute little sister that baby-sitted by my mum followed too.
Oh gosh, my mum brought a lot of stuff to KL. Sambal and some cooking ingredients for my kai ma.Soft candy, biscuit, and various kind of junk food( not something like Pringles potato chips but something like kacang putih ) to satisfy the need of my always-to be-itchy mouth. My mum even prepared a proper lunch back in Kuantan for us. All we have to do is heat them up and eat.
After lunch time and some chit-chat session, we went to IKEA for some shopping. Craps, the roads and parking area are full with cars. Cars are in anywhere! This can't be help since it was a public holiday. So, we took almost a century to find our parking before we can get our feet step into the mall.
My mum and dad are terrified by the crowd when we about to enter IKEA. But still, we did enjoy our shopping session and bought some things.
The most important event is I finally get the chance to try the famous IKEA currypuff( jakun-ness 100% ). Ermm... It is nice, but not as delicious as the rumor said. I think the currypuff that on sale at Taman Gelora in Kuantan is way more tasty than this IKEA currypuff.
Night time, we went to Umai-ya the japanese restaurant to have our dinner. The dinner was delicious but I don't think mum and dad like it as I did since they are not really that into japanese cuisines. Though, we stuffed all those food into our stomach.
After that, we dropped by 100 yen the japanese store to get something. I wish I could have the ice cream that is selling in the shop. But I couldn't because i'm too full for that sinfull desire( ice cream is fattening ). At there, I did buy something for my mum and little sister with my own money.
Just about we reached home, kai ma took little sister to Carefour for toy hunting. Kai ma bought some dolls and toys for her and she is extremely happy now. Isn't that wonderful?
Me and my brother just finished an artistic movie by the way. More about this will be posted later.
Now, is a taboo for me to mention about how Vivien being scared by banana trees and asking her dad to fetch her in the middle of the night from her friend's house( although i did explain 2~3 times in front of everyone ). Because of that, she has a ONE MONTH SHOPPING BAN now. But according to the non-logical explaination, the promise was make on the last day of April and she has fulfilled the promise as April is finish.
Eh? Have I mentioned that Vivien scare of some banana trees? Oh well, is not like she gonna kill me if I keep talking about the same thing.
The day after a well sleep continue with KLCC as the destination, night~ =D
As I mentioned before, my mum and dad are in KL already. My big brother which is staying in Wangsa Maju had come along also. The cute little sister that baby-sitted by my mum followed too.
Oh gosh, my mum brought a lot of stuff to KL. Sambal and some cooking ingredients for my kai ma.Soft candy, biscuit, and various kind of junk food( not something like Pringles potato chips but something like kacang putih ) to satisfy the need of my always-to be-itchy mouth. My mum even prepared a proper lunch back in Kuantan for us. All we have to do is heat them up and eat.
After lunch time and some chit-chat session, we went to IKEA for some shopping. Craps, the roads and parking area are full with cars. Cars are in anywhere! This can't be help since it was a public holiday. So, we took almost a century to find our parking before we can get our feet step into the mall.
My mum and dad are terrified by the crowd when we about to enter IKEA. But still, we did enjoy our shopping session and bought some things.
The most important event is I finally get the chance to try the famous IKEA currypuff( jakun-ness 100% ). Ermm... It is nice, but not as delicious as the rumor said. I think the currypuff that on sale at Taman Gelora in Kuantan is way more tasty than this IKEA currypuff.
Night time, we went to Umai-ya the japanese restaurant to have our dinner. The dinner was delicious but I don't think mum and dad like it as I did since they are not really that into japanese cuisines. Though, we stuffed all those food into our stomach.
After that, we dropped by 100 yen the japanese store to get something. I wish I could have the ice cream that is selling in the shop. But I couldn't because i'm too full for that sinfull desire( ice cream is fattening ). At there, I did buy something for my mum and little sister with my own money.
Just about we reached home, kai ma took little sister to Carefour for toy hunting. Kai ma bought some dolls and toys for her and she is extremely happy now. Isn't that wonderful?
Me and my brother just finished an artistic movie by the way. More about this will be posted later.
Now, is a taboo for me to mention about how Vivien being scared by banana trees and asking her dad to fetch her in the middle of the night from her friend's house( although i did explain 2~3 times in front of everyone ). Because of that, she has a ONE MONTH SHOPPING BAN now. But according to the non-logical explaination, the promise was make on the last day of April and she has fulfilled the promise as April is finish.
Eh? Have I mentioned that Vivien scare of some banana trees? Oh well, is not like she gonna kill me if I keep talking about the same thing.
The day after a well sleep continue with KLCC as the destination, night~ =D
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