When i was watching those document papers slip out piece by piece from the photostat machine, my little tiny brain had recall back certain memory in sudden.
Few weeks ago, we went back to Pasir Panjang in Negeri Sembilan ( hometown of my mum and kai ma ) for tomb sweeping. On the way home, Vivien asked me how she would be after 10 years.
Seriously, I think she gonna own few tens of credit card, few wardrobes stuffed with uncountable clothes/shoes and surely will be in debt
Then, how about myself?
I don't have any idea about that actually since i took a path which leads to numerous of unknown. If i have choose to further my study in accounting, the ME after ten years will be predictable then.
Back to 10 years ago which is year 1999( 8 years old ), I was damn ambitious to be a scientist that time. I wish i can invent lot of machines in order to help people and find out the way to get rid of those incurable sickness.
But right now, neither of these two will be my future job.
So, have you achieved what you wished for in ten years before? And how do you think I would be after ten years?
* Mum and dad are coming to KL tomorrow. Wheeeeeee =D