

Sunday, December 5, 2010


学业上,我actionscript烂,html烂,photoshop skills烂,concept差,execution差,presentation差。


Thursday, November 18, 2010



Wednesday, November 17, 2010


很努力地在做功课,功课总是做不好。有时候真的是很羡慕别人,轻轻松松好的concept或idea就出来,随随便便功课就做得很好。自己一直在拼,可是都达不到自己的要求。有时候,做到觉得还不错,看到朋友的就会一拳重击下来,觉得自己做出来的是丢人现眼的。对着一个朋友说我能帮得上忙,他过后还是找了别人帮忙。其实大家说我朋友很多,其实也是我先找别人说话,开话题。不然,很多人不会先找我说话的。都不会是别人1st approach的对象。很关心别人,可自己有问题的时候,都是在自行解决。很在乎别人,都有帮别人,看不到没关系,反倒被误会真的很伤心。其实,我是一种视觉上在场性地存在着,如果不是有online或者在场,只要是没被看到,就会不被记得。



Tuesday, July 27, 2010

my life still goes on anyways

I'll start with the old same story. Ya, my life is still that hectic and you know what? I'll keep complaining about this until I graduated from this lovely college. Well, I bet you rather get bored from pictures than from words. Here come picture.

This is a banner design that I made for the badminton tournament held in Inti college upon my friend's kind request. But it doesn't come to be used I think but I'm happy to make this. So, you guys can get my help if you need any design. I will do my best and it depends on my time limitation as well. :)
Company namecard
Company introduction poster
Company webpages

This what I have done for the typo assignments after the critics I get from couples of week. Erm, I think those works reached the basic requirement but still not strong enough to stand out as you can see. So, I better put more effort for the last typeface poster design project.

This is the project that require us to convey certain message by using graphic and minimum words. The message i want to bring out is the steps of processing milk. The color combination turns out quite weird in the end.

Now, there are some daily life photo I took by using my mac photobooth. The software is quite convenient for camwhoring, haha.

I love my new Casio watch. It does match with formal clothes easily and it can makes me look more mature in some way. It actually just cost RM70 but I got it FOC from my bro. You can have a look at hulla baloo watch blogshop if you interested in owning a Casio, G-Shock or Baby-G watch.

This is what I usually will do if assignments are making me over-stressed. For your information, I'm so into Bandai Giroro toy figure if you don't know. I even collected every Giroro toy figure from every series. Too bad I only have 2 of them in Sunway. I'm so going to move the other from Kuantan to Sunway.

See, they even can combine to be stronger. hehe. :D

But I can't bring my toy to college or library, right? So, I only have 1 option left and that is camwhore. I like to do funny funny pose since I am already not that presentable(not handsome). I was in library back then when taking this photo. No people looking at me, you wonder? They are and narh, who cares.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

steps of processing MILK :)

Questionnaire for Information Graphic.

I’m Hanson here. I have created an info graphic that showing the steps of processing milk. You are welcomed to drop some comments or answer the following simple question on the info graphic. All comments will be appreciated. Thanks.



Q1: Does it attract your attention at the first sight?

a) Yes

b) No

Q2: What is the design element that has got your attraction at the 1st view on it?

a) The title ( steps of processing milk)

b) The graphic

c) The content typeface

Q3: Do you feel confuse with the graphic?

a) Ya,

b) No ( why )

c) Point out the one u feel not suitable and suggest

Q4: Do you follow up with the sequence of the steps?

a) Ya.

b) No. (comment…)

Q5: Do you think everything is well-arranged for understanding?

a) Yes, sure.

b) No, it looks quite messy

Q6: Does the color combination interesting and contrast enough?

a) Yes, they do.

b) No, I don’t really think so.

c) Suggestion…?

Q7:If you don’t rely on the words, can you understand the meaning of the graphic?

a) Yes.

b) No. (comment…)

That’s all for my survey question, appreciation and gratefulness for your help is in my heart. Thanks for your effort to complete this survey, sincerely. :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

oh, assignments.

day time

night time

Okie, I have loads of assignment to do. Yet, I still took these silly photos. What to do, need to unleash the stress marr. Been sitting at the same spot for like 16 hours. Oh dear friends, please don't ask me how is my progress or show you my progress. I have no confidence to show until the finishing is done.

Hey yo, says cuckoo. :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

yeee-hah, urbanscape

Last week, I went for the Urbanscapes event which held at KLPAC with my besties.

Had lunch together with su ann at subway before taking KTM to there.

Meet up with ting ting who is missing in action for a long time at there.

And also kai lee. She took part in the 'Angkat Rumah' program which is really moving a wooden house by using human energy. So, better don't mess with her.

Off course, me. :)

See, I'm so excited to be able to attend the event.

Bumped into zhe hui who already saw me at KTM station from far far away.


Waiting for the music performance to start with johnson beside me playing with ipod touch. Eating choki choki, childhood favourite chocolate stick and that's the Casio watch given by my brother as early birthday present. :D

We went to a western restaurant, Palete Palette which located near by Pavilion to have our dinner.

Photo session, 1.. 2..


Nice to meet you, mr. funny kai bing. If wasn't you, we wouldn't have chance to enjoy our wonderful time at Palete Palette. Thanks yaa.

I was so exhausted at the end of the day since I didn't sleep the night before.

Well, Urbanscapes wasn't a very well-organised or marvelous event, but it could be considered quite okie for me. Somemore, it's different when the condition is attending it with besties along. Get a music cd and 2 pieces of DC old Batman comic for my ownself. Thanks brother for getting me the Casio watch and free Havaianas pink slipper from kai lee. I actually bumped into few people i know, should have take photo with them. A happy day indeed. :D

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Friday, June 25, 2010

hello, my friends, how are u?

Everything back then was so simple, 5 years made us understand each other and how to get along. Yet, because we are simple and we are so 'click'. That's why we hang out together the most. :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010



Burh bye,mr. 卢。

Wednesday, June 9, 2010











就算我再如何的想念,还是只能被时间牵着,一步一步往前走。 回忆一次次回想,也还真的只是斋想,回不了去。Life goes on anyway.

这是我po在fb的bbf 2nd tryout照片。

Thursday, May 27, 2010


上课了,当然是少不了很多很多的assignment。除了平时都会有的weekly home assignments,现在多了许多为了最后一个project而必须做的R&D(research and development)。这些R&D是有够够的麻烦和累人,可是,做了就会对课业上帮助很多,自身也会进步。所以,做!

这是digital media第一星期必须用flash画的自画像,整个看上去就是小孩。

这个呢,就是design method的secret postcard,用postcard来表达自己的秘密。
至于这个,是我为了期望能得到额外零用钱而参加ecobag design比赛的作品。成绩还没出炉,希望还能得到个第三名。:P

接下来,还真是一头栽进final project的筹备当中了。陆陆续续,我也会一直参加不同的比赛。一来,奖金;二来,名气(前提当然是若能赢取的话啦)。嘻嘻 :)


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hey, that's mine

The moon is bright. 

The 1st sem of my 2nd year in college finally has started. A week has passed and I'm quite happy with the things that am going to learn through out this sem.

Well. before the hectic life starts all over again, I managed to gain some property from my wish list. First of all, I bought more than ten books which i haven't get the chance to finish them off YET. I got some really nice movie to watch by downloading. For goes green, i bought a nice tumbler since i got habit of drinking at starbucks. The most important is i got my mac book pro into hands finally. Somemore, I also bought a wacom bamboo pen for assignment-use. And, and, am using adobe CS5 as well. :)

Now, i can't wait for my brother to help me get the TWISTED MIND OF 1000 TENTACLES illustration book for me. Adding up my chinese new year photos and my another roll of developed silde photos. HOPEFULLY IT WON'T BE LONG.

Okie, the life is still goes on wonderfully for me. I do enjoy it. :D

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

single trail wooden bridge

Nothing nor a word can be spilt out, every text has been deleted. He just couldn't let his friends to be bothered by all his craps. He ain't tough, but he did take a gasp, hold a grip. Continue, though he has to walk cross the bridge alone.

Still, he will comfort and cheer up those who are troubled. Sincere in action.

please feel free to have a look at my lomo black and white photos at fb :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010




結果在幫忙義工後生了一場病,加上必須趕上DDMM project submission前的final critic,沒辦法之下只好抱病硬著頭皮在朋友的房間內趕final assignment。眼看又穿冷衣又披被子的,就知道不差嚴重。


上multimedia design的0905batch有兩班,加起來也大概50人左右,我們大家來好好相處唄。

Major year的第一個學期,說起來最輕鬆的課莫過於drama class了。由於我的lecturer教的是stage drama,所以不像其他班的drama class那麼忙。我們演的劇本盡是些奇怪無趣的,如何修改和發揮就看我們自己。演完final後,換上男裝,竟然有人驚訝我原來是個男的。我....應該開心我的演技好還是傷心我不man呀?

這是visual communication的final project,題目是必須聯繫上environmental issue的3個product。我們在設計會用到的design之餘,也會用silkscreen printing把它印在product上。我的組就選擇了海龜保育為主題。Product是一個goodies pack,盒子可以reuse裝東西,notepad可以refill紙張,而衣服可以傳達保育的訊息,所有的材料都可以被recycle。

這就是我和visual communication的組員(Alvin, Awdrey and Hanson),我們都在很愉快無比的氣氛下完成所有的工作,出來的成品我們也非常的滿意,感恩感恩。

趁著幾個final project submission前有空檔,就和班上的同學去了一趟的旅行。這照片,去了怡保吃出名的芽菜雞。噢,臉色好像很蒼白。




上完課了,就是回關丹的時候。在搭巴士之前,和老友凱麗到了Annexe gallery去轉一圈。好愧說我自己是讀設計的,竟然沒去過這個那麼棒的gallery。



這個sem break還真是閒慘了,我竟然回跑去觀看一個不關我事的運動會。不過,也是基於我朋友的邀請才去的,也順便和其他不常見的朋友聚聚。






